Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Losing Memories 5/5/15

Hello All,

Please RSVP if you will be joining us for our Fuzzy Photons play groups of heart space on Tuesday evening 7-9pm or ME play group Thursday afternoon 1-3pm. Any local to the Portland/Vancouver area is welcome. 
In some societies people are living longer. But they are not always at their best as they age. Technologies can keep us alive, but not always present mentally. Daily life is full of considerations and stress. We are building Morphic fields full of declining abilities and loss of powers of reasoning. We are now old enough to forget. Our ability to feel and reason are gifts of being. We can take them for granted. We can be good at putting off till tomorrow and longer preventative measures that could insure against poor tomorrows. And then sometimes you do all the right things and stuff still happens. What we all need to be in is a state of appreciation for the wonder that we each are right now.
I have been in San Diego for several days. My husband and I have been dealing with my dad and brother and levels of cognitive abilities and dementia. Been noticing how information can flow but not connect. The heart can be willing, the head can be willing and yet connection is lost. It can be so between my dad, his body and mind, my brother as caregiver and his issues or the medical system of doctor and staff, staff and more staff, staff between agencies that are all looking to work together. Departments filled with people sympathizing, empathizing but no power ultimately flowing to conclusion. Power that just disappears. Sort of like dementia in certain ways.
Dad has been losing his memory, mostly short term but some long term. It can be about the simplest things. What stands out to me is when I watched and observed my dad at age 91 dealing with a variety of Solitaire, a card game. You might not like the game much or you might enjoy it. What you might not notice though are all the steps in cognitive behavior it requires to play the game. How many piles of cards, how many cards in each pile and when to turn them face over, piles of cards that are about black and red alternating in each pile and in placed in descending order. Then the row of suits in red or black in ascending order. And you have your turnover deck of every three cards at a time you rotate through playing. You have to be able to notice each pile in reference to what is showing. You have to be sure to turn over only the cards facing up and not any others as you move them around from pile to pile. You can only move certain cards at certain times into forming new piles. And much more. Each is an act separate from the other, in a sequence and then perhaps no sequence. Any one or more thought can fail to connect. Then sometimes connecting on and then off in the next minute.
I like Solitaire and used to be quite focused on results and time and wins and loses. I used to win a lot and quite psychic at the game. Playing with my dad the last couple of years it has become more about the process and not about the winning. We don’t win as much now. We share the experience and that is the win to me. it brings me peace to sit with him at his level and let it be okay. I am better now at letting go of the mind that used to be present and to be okay with the one now present.
Awareness, appreciation and patience were experienced. In my world, I guess most things work well. Not so in my brother or father’s realities of life. I observed the intersection of those realities a lot. I noticed where their issues could be mine and were not and where they might be in the future. I get to decide how I want to relate to these patterns. How much energy to feed into thinking certain ways about things. I was able to successfully challenge the norm at different times and other’s expectations and sometimes not. For we co-create always. Such is life. Consciousness is always present and presenting opportunities to challenge itself. Detachment from any kind of expectation is helpful when the expectation is limiting. It is so easy to buy into someone else’s reality. You have to catch yourself if it is not your reality or one you want to hold as the only truth.
People can get better. People can get worse. It is not up to me. But if I notice places that invite me to be aware, perhaps, if wanted, things can change in some way, beyond the expected.
Take time to drop in and notice what in your world catches your eye. Allow it to break it down into all the thoughts that have to happen to have a conclusion. Notice where something might be different or could allow for a different outcome. There are only patterns. Play. Enjoy. Appreciate.


Janet Barrett
  Metaphorically Speaking - Intuitive Energy Release