In this time of virus our communities are reflecting our inner turmoil. How do we find balance and harmony inside and out? Joining Janet is Anne Ganey of Spirited Journeys, LLC. Anne combines a broad public health background with her shaman awareness. Together they will share heart in the community of Oneness and open new pathways of enlightenment for you to enjoy.
Monday, November 30, 2020
JIE Episode 50 Blog/When BEing Alive is a Grand Adventure
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet
Podcast Releasing December 1, 2020
Episode 50 Blog/ When BEing Alive is a Grand Adventure
How do you define BEing alive? What is your rule set and
defining aligning principles in play about you and Life?
We each come out of
family dynamics that have a set up to them. We spend our lives working out of
this bias and beliefs systems. You are either in it and okay or looking to be
out of it. What would it be like to be
free to value and add excitement into your daily reality at your choosing? Not
anxiety but excitement. Safety and self awareness your given.
What if you looked
forward to opening your eyes each day and feeling the appreciation as you
experience your breath?
Some of us don’t wake up into our day like that. We don’t
want to wake up at all.
If this is the case what would it be like to reframe BEing
alive into a grand adventure, every moment a choice with awareness to do
something, feel something, different? It is all too easy to empower our habituated
sense of Self into maintaining the illusions that Life is difficult, wearing,
soul draining etc. etc. etc. And then you die!
If this is what lies in your expectation reality so it will
be. If, you are depressed, it defines
you. Would you like to have an adventure instead?
If you are frustrated, this defines you. Would you like to
have an adventure instead? If you find Life to be full of injustice or conspiracy
is everywhere and victims and abusers also predominate your inner landscape, would
you like to have an adventure instead?
If you think that no matter what you do nothing changes you
too have a setup for misery.
All of these are
perspectives of how one can live their lives. All of them are illusions that
help us in what way? How are they useful? There is a payoff lurking somewhere.
And at times we know it and feel helpless to change it.
What if you could simply get out of your mindset of
projected thinking and go deeper than your emotions to the realm within that
connects to your core essence of BEing? Deeper than your projections of Self
that hold your story /illusions of who and what you are and unfold into a realm
of wonder and indescribable beauty? Where every story/illusion is appreciated
and can become transcendent awareness
enriching your life?
Something captures your attention. You decide to explore
it. You may collect information about it from different sources that validate
your interest or not. But you don’t know what something is about until you feel
it for yourself. the details in the journey in our adventures are not known no
matter how much you research or don’t. The adventure will take you places you
have never been, may want to or not but you are better for it. It will have
dramatic scenery and people and textures and flavors and moments of comfort and
Danger and excitement. Many think they don't like danger or
adventure. They like the quiet and safety of never being challenged emotionally
or physically. So they are easily thrown off balance when the stuff that can
happens in life happens. Being open to something different, whether it be a
bowl of soup or a zipline experience is good for the plasticity of the mind and
soul. Doesn’t mean you have to live in a reality of daily risk all around you but
being fluid enough to appreciate your own skills and experience you own self
So take this moment to notice. Notice what your reality state of BEing alive is about and make a choice. You can keep it the same, with it’s perhaps illusionary sense of safety within the boundaries you are imposing. That is a choice. Or perhaps in accessing deeper into your interior landscape of the sacred that is there, you can make a different choice.
Where you
are free to slip your old bonds of Self and expand into new adventures in BEing
Alive. Where, Life is Grand.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Mindlessness and Mindfulness in the Quantum Realm with Rev. Janice Hope Gorman
Consciousness, Oneness, holds both Mindlessness, no thought, and Mindfulness, awareness within. BEing present accesses both. Joining Janet is Rev. Janice Hope Gorman of the Hope Interfaith Center. Feel the expansive realm of living in Mindlessness to experience the freedom in BEing Mindful as you navigate through your life.
Monday, November 16, 2020
JIE Episode 49 Blog/ There is No Responsibility in BEing Present
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet
Podcast Release Tuesday November 17, 2020
Episode 49 Blog There
is No Responsibility in BEing Present
One of the strong integral parts of Self is what we
perceive as the doer. In our interacting in BEing physical we manipulate, make
action, with our environments and its elements. We are Creator.
When we are doing for ourselves and others obligation and
responsibility can come into play. Sometimes we are the oldest child helping
our parents’ parent our younger siblings or even our parents. We take on others
which can come from caring, or as servitude. It can happen to the point of
burden. We become responsible for outcomes that all too often are way beyond
our scope of power at the time and results can foster helplessness, guilt and punishment
can ensue.
We develop roles and realities that others need to be
protected and cared for and are too weak, or sensitive or senseless or stupid
to manage their own lives without our interference. They make poor choices they
need to be saved from. We form our ideas about others that may have nothing to
do with them but both others’ opinions and our own biases and projections.
When we switch to BEing, we free ourselves of our created
stories/illusions and their conditions and patterns. We are in the position to
notice our patterns of the doer and develop awareness, become mindful of cause
and action. We can play with our connection to others as our stories/illusions
of Self, adapt, grow, evolve.
It is about unplugging, as my friend and guest this week
Rev. Janice Hope Gorman likes to say. It is choosing to disassociate from all
the stories around us and mostly in each of us to give pause to allow our inner
Self dynamics to relax. We connect with our Core Essence, the Infinite. We can
then appreciate, recalibrate and then orchestrate what we are actively creating
in any one moment. It is checking in to our self generated projection of
reality, our story/illusion of identity. We become self- caring and allow for
change where wanted, where desired.
The stress we are all feeling seems unrelenting right now. There is so much overload or stimuli and information and intensity. People are running emotionally hot, not cool. How to relieve it is by choosing to release it in useful ways. By committing the simple shift through intention to enter into the field of heart centered awareness, of Unified Consciousness, into BEing present, into Oneness.
We let go of the burden and responsibility of our
story/illusion. And each time we do so our burden becomes less. Our story/illusion
dictates soften. Our reality starts to reflect new awareness, new expressions,
new appreciations. The old truly becomes the past. Our wants, our desires,
change shape. What was important is no longer.
In BEing present we do, take action, through BEing. There
is no responsibility in BEing, only moving through inspiration. Motivation is
outside influences. We use them to inspire us to action. You don’t have to do
something in order to BE.
In the quantum field of Consciousness responsibility is
just a position, one of infinite positions one can assume. It is not who you
are. It is only a position, a place holder in the field that you employ into
form. Use it wisely. This
is the payoff of BEing present.
Janet Barrett
Podcast Host
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet
Monday, November 9, 2020
Appreciation Transcends The State of Resistant Thought You Are In
That’s why so many of us teach meditation. Because when you stop thought, you stop resistant thought. When you stop resistant thought, then you let it in. That’s why we teach appreciation, because when you’re in appreciation, you are not in the mode of resistance, and you are letting it in.
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA
on 8/13/01
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Expanding the Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Jim Jensen
Joining Janet is Jim Jensen who wrote "Expand The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," an updated commentary of "The Power of your Subconscious Mind," by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Listen in as Jim reminds us why this is a classic. He and Janet will consider the parameters of mind and the wisdom in learning to use your mind well.
Monday, November 2, 2020
JIE Episode 48 Blog/ Meditation in Times of Crisis by C. James Jensen
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast
Release Tuesday afternoon November 3, 2020
My guest this episode is Jim Jensen author of Expand The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. It is an updated look at the 50 year old classic The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy. Learn more about C James (Jim) Jensen at and listen to our episode!
Meditation In Times Of Crisis By C. James Jensen
I was blessed to have been trained in meditation at an
early age. I have been amazed for some time now why so few people in our
Western culture do not regularly practice some form of meditation on a daily
basis. With the unrest in the world, the Covid-19 pandemic, and current
political scene, a quieter mind is important to resist joining the world in a
state of fear and turmoil.
The amount of data on the benefits of meditation is
abundant. Maybe if we all took time to meditate on the problems around us, we
would have the ability to bring calm to the causes of stress from all the
outside sources as well as internal fears and anxiety of things like possibly
being exposed to this virus. I believe if people could sit with their political
frustrations and meditate, they could see past the anger to resolutions to
assist the planet with its current struggles. Meditation allows us to step
outside situations to see like an eagle from a distance instead of feeling like
you're in the eye of a storm.
I know when I feel rundown, fatigued, or concerned that I
might become ill, through meditation I can direct energy to any area of my body
that I think needs a “boost”, or healing, and most often ward off the physical
manifestation of my dis-ease-ness. Knock on wood, but I can’t remember having
had a common cold or the flu in over twenty years.
On the mental side, I have had some of my greatest ideas
and inspiration come to me in meditation. Meditation quiets the mind. When you
quiet your mind, you are able to listen or better hear those thoughts that may
come from your higher consciousness or the creative center of your mind.
Having learned how
to meditate has benefited me greatly in my professional life. Approximately 45
minutes before I was to speak to any group, I would find a quiet room and begin
to meditate to align and balance. I would ask my Higher Self to please provide
me with the most appropriate thoughts for that particular occasion. As I
entered meditation, I would not think about my speech, the audience, or how “I”
(the ego) was going to act. I would simply quiet my mind, release any stress
associated with speaking to a group whether it was to my own employees or other
Many doctors treating children with anxiety have found
using meditation to be very useful with their young patients. For many
suffering with conditions like ADHD it may be the only thing that will help
them quiet the mind for any extended period of time allowing them to relax and
be calm.
Meditation also is a wonderful thing to experience as a
couple, a way to relax together. My wife Jeri and I have been meditating for
years. I think it may be one of the keys to our long and very happy life
Janet Barrett
Podcast host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet