Monday, September 30, 2019
Birthday Thanks
When I was in my late 20's this accomplishment was not a reality in my future. I never really thought of life much beyond my late 30's I guess. Illness of all kinds and physical pain keep me thinking in terms in the moment and of short life. Astrologically speaking, apparently there was no picture of health so it would become a journey of spirit and mind working together to support the body function.
Now I am set for many more moments and a much longer life. Why limit it? I am finally getting the hang of letting go of many of my assumptions about life I picked up along the way and being in a body and wanting out of it.
I like the energy of ageless and I realize that being present is how one is ageless. Age stops becoming ones reference in how one shows up.
I would rather value and appreciate where I am right in this moment and give thanks.
Thank you to all of you who sent me birthday wishes. Over 100 of them on fb. I am doing my best to personally respond to each, as you each took the energy to share your happy tidings with me. I feel that deeply and it has been a lovely warming these last couple of days.
Many I don't know personally. And the graciousness extended is, as I said, heartwarming.
Thank you to my husband. After 43 years, there is much to recommend him. I chose well. He is the reason I am still alive and thinking in terms of living some more. But today I thank him for his computer skill sets and keeping me safe and warm and with some money in the bank and helping me deal with Medicare and insurance and all the ways one can be compromised filling in the important forms. .
Thanks to my colleagues who feed my soul and support. We all have different backgrounds and stories and share life on this planet and that adds to my delight in diversity.
Thank you to Mother Earth and all her bounty. I drove around in the beauty of the fall sunlight and fresh air today and just reveled. Breathed it in when we parked, enjoyed the view and felt life.
Thanks to Boyd who creates music and acts as sound engineer for my podcast. He supports me in my enjoyment in spreading around this world that being able to connect to our essence and Consciousness as Spirit in human form is rich, rewarding and essential. Together we share in our awareness that Life is what you make it to be and being able to change what you make it out to be is not as hard as you might think it is. Just need to experience it.
Thank you to my mentors over the years who shared how it is possible to enjoy life if that is what you want to do. Among them Dr. Kam Yuen, Dr. Richard Bartlett, Dr. Mark Dunn, Grandmaster Foo, and their great surrounding teams of" potential explorers".
Thank you to the medical field that did not know how to define me or help me at times. Thank you to those who help me now.
And to all of you.
Thank you for those who took a leap of faith and continue to explore Life beyond the perceived reality of the human body and mind with me.
It is lovely to be alive sharing in our grand experiment.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Sounds that Enliven Us with Bill Protzmann
Sounds, voice and music are everywhere. Humans are hardwired to rhythm and sound at our deepest physical levels. How do our bodies, mind and environments work together to create our inner music? What and how we hear accesses our emotions directly. Joining Janet is Bill Protzmann of Music Care, Inc. Listen in as they explore how Consciousness and Life are rhythms, and how our inner music, heard in awareness, enliven us.
Monday, September 23, 2019
JIE Blog Episode 19 Inner Music
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
How is a Disaster an Opportunity for Practical Spirituality? with Selina Maitreya
Our lives are filled with stuff. Change can happen in the blink of an eye or settle as chronic energy patterns. Joining Janet is Selina Maitreya, of Practical Spirituality. She is an author, creative consultant and spiritual guide. They will share, how to experience transcendence while dealing with the ups and downs of being in a body.
Monday, September 9, 2019
JIE Ep 18 Blog/
That my friends is the secret to a peaceful life.
I know this from experience. This is how I live. This is what I teach. I have had the opportunity to witness the amazing changes my students have accomplished as we've worked together and they have learned how to create a new lifestyle, one where love, kindness and appreciation are full frontal.
Selina Maitreya
Janet Barrett
Podcast host
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Consciousness and Enjoying a Day of September
Please RSVP to attend our Tuesday night play group 7-9pm this week.
And consider joining our Wednesday Zoom Fuzzy Photons groups 10am or 6pm Pacific. Contact me at for the registration packet. Sliding scale.
Have a lovely day.