Monday, February 27, 2017

Being Conscious of the Sacred

Sacred: holy, devoted to a religious ceremony, or simply worthy of awe and respect

How do you relate to the Sacred when you are in Heart Centered Awareness? We access this state when we are gathered in group and you experience it as real. We feel it. We all notice it in some manner. What has come to my attention is how people are relating to Sacred. Many of us may not be used to or have a sense of the intangible as tangible. We are transforming our awareness of the concept of the Sacred into the state that is Consciousness.

Depending upon your religious trainings you may have conflict with the whole idea. Sacred can often be presented as something out there, not inside of us. God, Universe, whatever your term might be can be held separate from us. and it is not. It is Consciousness. Whether you are of the scientific bent and the label Zero Point Field, or God in religious disciplines or Universe in Metaphysical practices it is all the same. Consciousness, the field of Unified Consciousness, Heart Centered Awareness. Use the term you like. Just realize that you are accessing all that word is associated with and those reality mindsets, which you may or may not agree with. Which may cause chaffing.

I prefer Heart Centered Awareness as it is free of bias and morphic field dynamics that the other words encompass now. Consciousness Technologies give us a more neutral reference for that which can not be named. We do like to name things don't we? Unfortunately the names may define and then they limit and keep stuck what is possible. We buy into the patterns of the morphic field references and then what is possible is narrowed down. To name something some thing, be it God or Universe or squirrel is to keep old paradigms in place.

Many can be in reaction to certain words so new words show up in reaction. Atheist is a reaction word for instance.

I and others like Consciousness or The All. It clears the state of old references. And it allows the Sacred to be present without a middleman of clergy or empowered objects.

Which goes back to those holding themselves separate. This is what is important in reframing our past stories. We are all One, individuals sharing in the collective as Consciousness. We sit and feel and resonate in the quiet of the Sacred drowning out the chaotic clammering sounds of vibrational forces that are in each of us. Not out there, in us. If you can sense the Sacred in some way then it is in you as there is no separateness.

A lot of dogmas employ others to reveal, rightly and wrongly what we are to follow to be good people. That is what a follower is, someone who comes behind another. In Heart Centered Awareness the only thing to follow is where your attention is going.

It might be time to check in and see how you are with being sacred and if you are scared, or scarred by the Sacred. Access HCA right now and see what you notice about relating to Sacred. Is there comfort present? Or is there an interface, a veil or person between or upsetting your sense of Sacred? Allow for the information to be present and what shows up in response. Allow. Relate. Transform. Release. Breathe.

In the Infinite Sea of Potential that is Heart Centered Awareness, there is a buoyancy, a lightness to be found. A state of quiet, calm, peace, expansiveness, nothingness, and a sense that all is well.

It is a deep, deep, well. This is Sacred.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Consciousness and the Rising Dignity

Dignity is the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect, a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect. Indignity is an injury to a person's dignity; slighting or contemptuous treatment; humiliating affront, insult, or injury.

Something really showing up in group is indignity. Out all the muck we are feeling and hearing about it is present in a myriad of different ways . We see it in gender bias, like Sen. McConnell's reference to Sen. Elizabeth Warren. This is something men have been doing for a very long time. Her reaction and women elsewhere demonstrating is what is different perhaps. We see and feel it in the immigration conversations and the rising of hate groups. 

We may not have recognized it in ourselves. We can all be sincere in our blindness. How we allow the critical voice to put down and keep small our sense of Self trapped in old patterns of youth. We can be our own worst enemies in how we think we think. 

This bias, that we are less in some way, is prevalent in many layers. Bias can appear in cultural, clan, family, business, science and medical fields, gender.  And, all that is inside of each of us. In the unfolding of our Consciousness raising times it is something very powerful to observe in shift. 

Too often in the past we have found ourselves holding in our generational indignities. For those in those times, there was no way to express it without harm or death following probably but think about how in your life all the times someone "dished" you and you felt it and didn't act. Now people are being moved to action instead of stuffing it.Our senses of compassion, kindness, respect are being tested. 

The first thing a torturer does is take away a prisoner's sense of personal dignity. The overriding belief many hold about others is that you have no worth other that the one who is in the power position gives you. Men and women we admire are those whose circumstances have compromised their personal dignity and they still retain their self respect. But if you were a child in such a household you may have matured into an adult who feels less than. 

Now is the right time to have this conversation with yourself. Access Heart Centered Awareness and the field of Unified Consciousness. Feel the expansiveness and the sacred. See what happens. Allow yourself to notice what might be buried from issues and feelings you are currently holding. Call it indignity and see how it feels. In HCA remember that there is no judgment so it is easier to not be attached to what is present. If you feel a need to forgive someone or yourself then allow yourself to do so. Allow for Grace to be present, as it is. 

You clearing up your stuff helps others to clear their stuff. Consciousness has created such an expansive state for us to look at what is within. Transformation is about changing and transcendence is about change that raises us up to a new level of being. As our levels of indignity unfold and are revealed, we recognize these patterns that have held us hostage for maybe lifetimes. Our new sense of self will follow behind raising us up. We shift in Consciousness. 

It is an exciting time to be alive and find one's true self as Consciousness. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, February 6, 2017

Consciousness and Being Sad

There has been a lot of sadness up in out fields. Personally and collectively. Sometimes it is hard to notice which is which as it is felt instantaneously for we are all One. No emotion has a boundary. It is just how much we allow ourselves to notice it, to what degree.

Many of us have the developed ability to be very aware of the emotional soup we all live in. and it is one of those things that a little goes a long way. We can be tuned to certain resonances of emotions over others. Such as the one who feels everyones elses pain and their own. Some are set to feel love easily, or joy or be happy. Some do other things like the family member or neighbor who never has anything nice to say so they embody the feeling of discontent.

Sadness is the basic feeling of unhappiness.

Being able to deal with sadness may be an art as much as being happy is. Both represent the duality of feeling. If you expand into the polarity of it, the degrees from one another then both can exist.

Neither is more important that the other. Both have a place. Learning how to deal with each together and separately is wholeness and healthy. Life is a gradation of how the two work together in each of us. As we express either or both, the Collective responds. What might make each of us individually happy or sad is at one unique to each of us and also part of the whole. Our emotions ripples out, felt by others and an interaction happens and comes back the same or open to interpretation and new sensation.

I offer all this as at this time we need to be clear when we are sad and acknowledge it. We don't always make time to acknowledge sadness or know how to deal with it. It can become buried or devalued. But with the forces at play globally it is helpful to be clear in what we feel and the recumbent actions it will foster. Sadness and the grief, sorrow and depression that can follow affect us all. We have deep wounds in our country's history and population that are unfolding and revealing themselves. As in every country no matter the physical boundary. Society can be built around collectively held sadness, grief and sorrow.

We each need to value and create time to look inward and acknowledge what is there. How to be happy now is about being willing to look at what makes us sad and our attachments and choosing to understand that if we do this simple thing what shows up in our outer world will change.  If the collective is demonstrating our hurt, our anger, our frustration, our pain that is us it is reflecting.

 It can take courage to face ourselves and each other. It does not have to be violent in expression. It just has to come from the authentic voice and the understanding of knowing self as Consciousness.

Before you respond and take action take those beginning moments to access Heart Centered Awareness in however you do that and feel the connection between Consciousness, you and mind and what you hold as other. They are not other. We are One, individuals sharing in a collective state as Consciousness. It can feel like herding cats at times. It can feel like a herd of wild horses running free across the plains. It can feel like love and the excitement of being alive.

Janet Barrett

Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment