Monday, September 7, 2015

Fuzzy Photons Update 9/8/15/ Ready to Harvest

Hello All,

Please RSVP if you will be joining us in heart centered awareness Tuesday evening 7-9pm or at play with ME Thursday afternoon 1-3pm. Both groups revel in the wonder of being.

Dr. Wayne Dyer passed away last week. I had the good fortune to watch his film The Shift a couple of nights ago. It reminded me of all the great teachings and learnings that are part of Consciousness if you choose to learn and appreciate wisdom that surrounds us. Ageless wisdom. We are not so different internally than those who have come before us. Wisdom from a thousand or four thousand years ago is current wisdom. The languages may differ but what is at core is the same. Dr. Dyer shares and consolidates his lifetime of being in a few hours in a gentle story of lessons learned. I recommend it. It is free to watch for a few more days probably. Available at

And we wish him well on his journey of awareness. We have all benefited for his grace and openness to Source in his humanity.

It is September. You can feel fall in the air here in Portland. The grapes on my arbor are filling the air with sweetness. Not so many grapes this year so the air is filled with a sweet lightness and not a strong scent. Either aroma means harvest time is near.

What are you getting ready to harvest this season? What in you is ripening? In group so much is loosening up and releasing. Long existing patterns that are filled with unhappiness and stuck, rigid barricades of ego. And they are letting go in mostly gentle, easy ways as we are more inclined to do when we have an underlying sense of well being. No matter the @#$%*&^ happening in our lives we are all accessing an easier connection to well being as that is what the field of Unified Consciousness or heart centered awareness is all about. It is the bigger way of dealing with the limits and smallness of ego. We use it to expand and release our limited beliefs and fears.

We are using our powers of “Stop” and “No” in new ways. Both words declare boundaries and haven’t, for many, often been powerful enough to make us feel or kept safe at times. How many times did you say either or both and they were washed away in the circumstances and rendered meaningless? We are not children any longer. We have more autonomy over our thoughts and behaviors. We have choice that has more potential as we align within our authentic voices. Stop and No can be reframed into powerful helpful states. There is nothing wrong in saying either.

Take the time to access your sense of heart centered awareness. And check in to what is coming up out of the deep. Let it offer a flavor of personality or conditioning and see what might be there for something new. Not to change it because it is bad. Wrong mindset. The intention is to allow what feels limiting to show up. What is ready to harvest? In allowing it to show up it can be acknowledged in useful ways.

Let your self be surprised. Let your self love what shows up. Stuck and rigid doesn't always look or feel lovable so it can be a new thought to love it. It is your projection. It is your creation. So love it for what it is offering you. And, let it go. Let what is possible reveal its' wonder and play. We are full of unrealized, unappreciated wisdom inside of each of us. We need to make the time to STOP the old way of looking at life and notice something has changed.It is time to say NO to the past that lurks as our present. We have the power.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fuzzy Photons Update/ Sibling Emotions

Hello All,

This week you can join us at play at our Tuesday evening play group of Conscious Conversations with Janet. We access heart centered awareness and allow for our internal dialogues to verbalize. We throw in potential and allow for wonder to happen. Open to all who are looking for clarity in their lives. 7-9pm. Or you can join us in play if you have Matrix Energetics training on Thursday afternoon 1-3pm. Please RSVP for either if you can, and last minute is always welcomed.

Emotions are still dancing around coming up from the deep. Emotions are the flavors and colorations of life that form our biases and subsequent experiences so they are vital. Emotional turmoil is both exciting and challenging at times. What is especially great is now we have ways of dealing with emotions that are useful to changing the stuckness that often binds us up. Consciousness technologies like EFT and ME and others allow for new relationships to these often pesky things.

In group we played this time with how we relate to our siblings and the stuck emotional resonances that might be active. A lot of sister/sister this time. (the week before it was daughter/mother) You throw in older/younger, competition, mom or dad liked you better, i do this, you do that, etc., etc., and you can get a lot of juicy suppressed energies.

Dynamics and quantum entanglement being what they are it doesn't matter if you didn't have a sister or if you aren't female. You tracked these energies when you were young. Maybe at your current age it is wife and her female contacts. Could have been your aunt and mother, mother and her mother, mother and her mother-in-law. They are flavoring how you hold feminine energies in your field. Women would seem to be different from men in tonal and vibrations levels. We deal with things differently.  But we are full of each influences. Just all part of the spectrum to me.

We were able to clear much. Holding in conscious awareness our rapport with each other and feeling the shifts energetically as these life long patterns talk with us is always so rewarding. There is no reason to be stuck or feel stuck in old limiting relationships when you use awareness well. It is just a matter of playing with the patterns within the patterns at times, in a different reality set. If it is just story, just issue, just some thing then the awareness that it is just information following in resonances and patterns is an easy next step. And, we can then maybe not feel we can change circumstances but we can certainly relate to our experiences differently.

What would it be like to have a different sense of yourself in relation to your sister? Or brother? Or Mother? Or Father? Drop into heart centered awareness, out of your thinking, rationalizing, reasoning, validating mind. Go beyond your emotional heart sense, further into the field of Unified Consciousness and observe your emotional terrain. Allow for the information to be observed from the new perspective and see what is present. The field is full of potential as it is not attached to outcome. You are.

 Reality is illusion based. If you allow for the information to express itself free of your limiting concepts of what is, shift can happen. Patterns can change. And you are freer to enjoy your emotions, whatever they may be. Feeling something is not the issue. We all feel stuff. What you do with the feeling is key.