Monday, April 20, 2015

No groups until April 30 Thursday 1-3pm Portland Oregon

I am leaving for San Diego in the morning. My blog this week has disappeared into the ethers. So I will just let you know that no groups until Thursday April 30 for our ME play group 1-3pm.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lily and You

Hello All,
Please RSVP if you will be joining us for either our heart centered play space on Tuesday evening 7-9pm or our Matrix Energetics play group Thursday afternoon 1-3pm. 

This is Lily. Lily is 4 months old now. Each of us has a Lily in us. Inside of each of us is a pretty baby, no matter what we looked like or what we were told..

We are witnessing the  moment before choice is being made from a place of innocence. You can see it here. An imprint of experience has happened and she is going to respond. On her next breath her response can be of either to smile in joy or cry in alarm. Or to squiggle and notice something else. Her choice will come as a result of consciousness deciding how it will express itself in this current embodiment as her, of the personality of her genetic material and the setting of her perceptual biases and sensory mechanisms.

 She will respond quickly without regard to limits. Present is only a willingness to experience life. She is taking in information that her surrounding environment is providing that will develop her senses of who she is in the world.

 Right now she is loved. She is healthy. She is clean. Those are her advantages in how she is starting out in life. They are still present. Some of us don’t start this life with these advantages. And all of it can change in the blink of an eye. How her developing needs are being met is important and dependent on those around her until she is old enough to self direct and make her own choices.  At any point patterns will start or continue to play setting up experiences of one kind or another enriching what life is all about. There are no rights, no wrongs only discernment that sets up distinctions and lead to judgments and choices. 
What level of awareness is she holding and taking in about life around her? How will they define her? How is she tracking physical movement, mental reasoning, emotional capabilities, psychological, psychic and spiritual influences? Ever watch a baby and their delight in the unseen world? Reacting to things you can not see. Developing visual perceptions and acuity take hold and what they hear around them relays information. How does she respond to the mother and father influences? You are Lily. How much of who Lily will be is being projected onto her by someone bigger? If we hold victim energy in our fields as adults how much of that is coming from our Lily’s developing sense of perspective? her future choices will come from what she is experiencing from those around her who are not paying attention to her or in their own biases.
We all respond to babies in some way. From a neutral position we can notice that response. It will reflect our own sense of self as innocent and how precious it is. We never lose our innocence. We only gain experience that values it or degrades it. But what we are all witnessing here is life still held as wonder. It is in each of us. We now get to choose how we value or degrade it. How we relate to it. Some of us will feel her and then the pain of being an adult. Some of us will only see the light and feel separate from it. Some of us will do all we can to treasure and protect her. Some of us will see how precious the wonder is and infuse our wisdom to it. Wisdom is our educated innocence, free of the biases that created it.  
So take a moment or two. Drop into heart space or look at Lily and drop into heart space. Feel what you feel. Feel you as Lily. She holds the secret of the universes in her eyes and being. What is your choice? How do we help her to know grace? How do we teach her about the possibilities in her world and the world?

Maybe we just hold her and let her feel our beating heart. Let her know that she is never alone or unwanted. Let her know that every moment is all we have and is to be appreciated.

What would your inner Lily want you to know? 


And thank you to Lily's grandmother for sending me her photograph. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Moving in grace

Hello All,
Please RSVP if you will be joining us for heart centered play Tuesday evening 7-9pm. This group dynamic is about joining others in sacred space, free of definitions of how you get there. There are many ways to get there, into the field of the heart. Use the one you know or learn a new way and drop in. It is all about creating the space within ourselves to know ourselves free of our thinking. Nothing is what it seems to be. No matter what you are facing and dealing with your life you can embrace it in new ways. How you feel is what motivates you. If you don’t know how you feel, have no clarity, or feel confused come join us. If you find yourself questioning all that you do and think come join us. If you are doing well in your world come and help others through your sense of all right, I am okay. It will make a difference.
Please RSVP if you will be joining us for Matrix Energetics play Thursday afternoon 1-3pm. Using your ME skill sets or beginner’s mind join us as we focus on sacred space from within the ME mindset.
Grace has a couple of meanings. One is about how one elegantly moves physically and it is also a sense of the Divine. For me it is consciousness giving pardon to itself as human. Not about the nature of forgiveness but about not judging or being judge in the first place. As humans concerned with life and survival we need to think in order to judge what is good for us. Making distinctions is important. But we need to be skillful at it. Use it wisely.
This last week was all about moving in grace. It showed and revealed itself in different ways. Groups were full of heart expanding moments. Some of us have serious life threatening issues we are tangled up with or are dealing with bi polar experiences of being in the family. We enjoyed vibrant life appreciation and being okay with what one found inside in the profound shared energies. It was humbling. Illness was radiating good health as sometimes life gets directed into what we don’t consciously want. We noticed the circumstances and motivators that were revealing themselves. Where the duality, polarity and scalar nature of energies about anything were focused. We added the potential found in sacred space and blessed it all.
Keeping out of judgment and neutral to what is within us is key. In group we found where fear can lie. Where fear is serving as protection from ourselves, for ourselves and acting as self sabotage. Embracing the fear allows for us to recognize the parts of ourselves that make us whole. Like anything it can be protective, neutralizing, empowering, debilitating. Just depends on how it is being experienced. Used well it gives us pause and time to reflect and act in new ways. Used poorly it can become its own thing empowered as an egotist. We are then no longer reacting to the fear of what but to the fear itself. It revealed itself in the grace. 
I also spent a lot of time with a friend helping her with a moving in sale all weekend. Here was a different sense of grace. Think Energizer Bunny. My friend is able to express energy physically without compromise. She radiates a glow of good health, a warm smile, with a vibrant appreciation of life. If you weren't paying attention you might think that she was a doer. She does get a lot of things done for sure. But what she is really able to do is access a flow of energy easily and effortlessly being externally demonstrated. By being she does. In that expression she gets things moved.
We all move in grace be it about physical or lack of judgment. We express it physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, psychically, spiritually and metaphorically. Grace is found in the smallest of moments and in the big ones. Some of us are aware of it, some of us take it for granted and some of us never know it. We can see it in others but not ourselves. Some of us value it, some of us have had it and hold it lost. We can limp along or be clumsy or vibrate at different levels. Consciousness experiences and chooses to evolve or stay the same. 
Take some time and access heart space. In warmth, support and willingness to allow for all that grace is, relax. Check in. Is you sense of life vibrant and full of possibilities? Or, is what is bothering you full of life and vibrant? Notice where you would like your energies to go and see what that would be like or feel like to move them around. How you hold yourself in awareness is important. How do you flow? Are you a Fred Astaire/Ginger Rodgers or Keystone Cop? 

